Pastor Lisa Martin

Lisa Marqueta Martin is a wife, mother, author, speaker, ordained pastor, missions director and empowerment coach. She is the President of Women on the Frontline Ministries (WOTFL), which is a registered charity organisation in Barbados. She is passionate about Missions and is also a director of “Mission Go Caribbean”, along with her husband Donovan Martin; who she has been married to for the past 23 years. She is the proud mother of two biological children, Ayoka and Adante who she calls her miracles.


Pastor Lisa and her husband have travelled extensively throughout the region and internationally on Missions, in addition to hosting many missionaries within Barbados and carrying many teams overseas on missions.


She is very passionate about God and life, and lives her life reflecting the Proverbs 31 woman, a woman of commerce and one who fears the Lord. Pastor Martin has a strong prophetic calling upon her life, which she uses for the honour and glory of God. She has published her first book called “Purpose Pursuit”, a 31 Day Journey of Pursuing God with Passion.

It is her desire to see families walk in their full purpose and as the woman is the helpmeet. Her role is vital to her family, where she plays an influential and nurturing role. WOTFL, therefore, plays a supportive role to those who may be struggling in various areas of their lives, as many times our environment, circumstances and how we feel about ourselves prevent us from living the FULLNESS God has called us to.


It is the will of God that we are free therefore Luke 4:18, stands as a foundation for what we do- “The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoner and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free”. Lisa is also passionate about the youth, that is; to see them come forth in their God given potential, and because of this she creates programmes to help equip them with life skills.


Pastor Martin has a certification in Counselling and Biblical Studies. She is a certified Beauty Therapy Practitioner who loves to see beauty portrayed in all women. Inspired by her love for fashion, she launched her business Beautify Image Consultant and Boutique in 2017. In her determination to optimise her skills and knowledge, and remain on the cutting edge of the fashion industry, she pursued a Certification in Personal Style at the New York Institute of Design as well as a Diploma in Human Resource Management, she also has thirteen years of experience in the area of Business Administration and Communication.

Pastor Lisa Martin