Grace Chambers

Grace Chambers is a business professional with diverse talents. She has spent many years in the field of marketing and communications and has honed her skill in this field, particularly in consumer goods marketing.


Grace I was involved in the business environment at many levels and started her first business when she was in the sweetbread business back in the 1990s, but in 2002 she started HannahKristen Maternity with a partner and since then she was bitten by the business bug. Grace is the lead consultant with Taproot Marketing & Communications, a business she started in 2007, and Aqu’eren Investments, an online training platform she started during the pandemic.


From these experiences, she coaches business owners and has been involved in the mentorship of several entrepreneurs including being part of the YESS programme, Bank on Me, and others. In 2018 God gave her revelation about the rivers that flowed through the Garden of Eden out of that revelation she started a bible-based business development program, Vision-to-Streams.


Grace is also the founder of Walking in Her Story and a Leaping Over Yesterday Two Christ-focused programs on overcoming paradigms and life challenges to become all that God has called you to be.


She is a minister in training under the leadership of Apostle Timothy McClean of Siloam Ministries International, an Apostolic and Deliverance Ministry whose purpose is to transform people and perfect lives.


Grace has been married for the past twenty-six years to Alvin and is the mother of one daughter, Hannah, who is charting her course on the tennis courts. She has a BBA in Business Management and has completed several professional development courses. She lives by the mantra – Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Grace Chambers