Prophetess Kimisha King
Prophetess Kimisha King has built a reputation through her volunteerism; this exceptional
Barbadian dedicates her life and resources to ensuring the betterment of her
community and the country at large. She has been featured by over 500+ media
houses throughout the USA and in Nigeria. She holds a degree in labour and
employment relations, law andGovernment political studies. Kimisha has also
achieved a Level 4 Caribbean Vocational Qualification in Assessment for
Management. She is a certified Internal Verifier for National and Caribbean
Vocational Qualifications.
She’s an Author, Publisher, Podcaster, an international speaker, content creator, a
certified master trainer, a certified international life purpose coach and an
entrepreneur. Kimisha is the Founder and CEO of Queensmindset. Through her
platform, women get empowering information on relationships, financial
empowerment, business, personal development, emotional stability and most
importantly the mindset of a Queen. This is seen in her series on The Queens Mindset
Youtube channel titled Battered, Bruised not Broken. Over the years, Kimisha King
has stayed true to her philosophy – God at the centre he fills the room! and that of
Napoleon Hill; “There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge!”