Pastor Lisa Martin

About Us

We firmly believe in destiny connection; meaning; people help others move forward to the next level. That’s why we have life coaches, motivational speakers, counsellors and others who have the gift and the calling, and who can assist others through God’s leading and direction to get to the next level.

There are identical issues women face such as; rejection, loss, divorce, unfulfilled purpose and other debilitating matters that touches the heart and soul. 

​Our desire is to see women from different beliefs, races, and social backgrounds come together in a forum where all women are embraced, accepted, and truly feel and experience an atmosphere of freedom. We want to give these ladies the tools to move forward from where they are to where they desire and long to be.



OUR Mission


To help women embrace their destiny through self-care, positive relationships and strength that comes through Christ

VISION: Who Are We?

Women on the Frontline (WOTFL) is a ministry which initially catered to women. It was originally birthed by Pastor Lisa Martin under the name “Wives on the Frontline” on November 4th, 2006 but evolved as a Charity and Ministry for the entire family on January 28, 2017.

We believe in the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that the power of God has the ability to bring transformation, deliverance and healing to any family situation.

It is our desire to see families walk in their full purpose and as the woman is the helpmeet, her role is vital to her family, since she plays an  influential and nurturing role within her family. WOTFL, therefore, plays a supportive role to those who may be struggling in various areas of their lives, as many times our environment, circumstances and how we feel about ourselves prevent us from living the FULLNESS God has called us to. It is the will of God that we are free, therefore, Luke 4:18, stands as a foundation for what we do – “The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoner and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free”.

wotfl women's conference


We Empower, Equip and Embrace Women, their families and the youth by providing various means of upliftment, tools, educational sessions, and opportunities which assist those who may be stuck, disadvantaged, or for various reasons feel like they cannot move to the next level of their lives.

What We Do

Monthly Prayer Meetings Coaching Breakfast Seminars Voluntary Services Retreats Networking Empowering workshops Mission Trips Conferences Youth Intervention Back to School Educational Drive


Our primary objectives are to Encourage and Inspire | Motivate | Enlighten | Empower | Network | Teach & Equip | Embrace.

Core Values

Unity | Faith | Honesty | Trust | Commitment | Consistency | Authenticity | Holiness | Team | Communication | Service | Honour | Compassion | Dependability


Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world, a city built on a hill cannot be hidden.

Lisa Martin - Pastor


Pastor Lisa Martin

I hope you are as excited about this conference as I am!

It is your time to take control over what is happening in your life and make it work for you. It is time for you to be the woman God has made you to be and we are here to show you how.

Our Team

Beverley St. Hil

Public Relations Officer - Treasurer

St. Hill

Lynette Lovell- Secretary


Lynette Lovell

Minister Samantha Phillips - Ministry Coordinator

Ministry Coordinator

Samantha Phillips

Bernadette Ifill


Bernadette Ifill


Truly Wives |  Queensmindset | Mission | Go Caribbean | Better than Before | Women Fulfilling Purpose